The site’s wp-admin (for LOIS) is on the NUB/OMA Chrome, not GAM/S.G Firefox.
There is also a need/possibility to log into
Where is PoPLULAR TAGS SECTION, not there because it is empty
- All subs with the same ID but crazy variations on the pw ULT8+!?? where ULT8 is the ultimate 8 char password of crazy characters I memorized but can’t spell out here
- hostgator
I also logged into my g.s@hm account today with l[3 to put all my current OneNote docs into zip files. They took up about 4 Gig.
In the LOIS wp dir i added a php.ini file that did this:
Open any text editor and create a new file. Copy the following code and save it as php.ini.
- upload_max_filesize = 25M
- post_max_size = 13M
- memory_limit = 15M
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